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traeger vs other brand pellets

Traeger Pellets vs The Rest: 5 Reasons They’re Superior

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When we talk about the best pellets in the market, Traeger hardwood pellets is undoubtedly one of the first names that come to my mind.

Trager competes well with the competition, making it a popular choice among its users.

Is it because it produces some of the most sought-after pellet smokers?

The answer is, in a nutshell, Yes.

Here, I will provide 5 main differences between your regular wood pellets and Traeger wood pellets that will help you make your buying decision easier.

5 Unique Differences Between Traeger Pellets vs. Other Brands Pellets

Traeger pellets are distinct from the other brand pellets for several reasons.

I will now provide you the facts to support the aforementioned statement to help you find the best wood pellets for your BBQ grill.

Difference 1: Lower Cost

The pricing is the first thing that distinguishes Traeger pellets from its competition.

Traeger pellets are relatively less expensive when you compare them with the other brand pellets.

Difference 2: Free from Additives

Another advantage of Traeger pellets is that they do not contain any extra chemicals or additives.

Additives, fillers, and binding agents can have a variety of negative effects on your health.

Because they are burning, these additives will also be absorbed into your meal.

There are several brands of pellets in the market that contain these hazardous chemicals.

Traeger pellets do not have any of these issues.

Difference 3: Clean Burning

Fast-burning is a vital feature of any good quality wood pellets that you can not ignore at any cost.

The faster the pellets burn, the more efficient your grilling will be; because you’ll use up more fuel.

Traeger pellets burn far faster than the other popular brands, which is a significant advantage of using those pellets.

However, the rate of burning is affected by the external circumstances such as weather changes, direction of winds, etc.

But, Traeger pellets are made from natural hardwood material that has low moisture content.

At the same time, it has compact cell structure which offers very balanced and clean burning.

Difference 4: More Smoke

When grilling, keep in mind that the quality of the pellets is not the only thing you have to consider.

When it comes to getting the unique flavor to your meat, smoke plays a significant part.

It also determines the external appearance and overall look of your grilled meat.

Traeger not only burns faster but also produces considerably hotter and cleaner smoke than many other pellet brands while grilling your food.

You must admit that the taste of the meat improves when there is more smoke.

So, obviously you should always prefer the wood pellets that provide higher smoke and unique flavor to your food.

In this department also, Traeger wood pellets get the best ratings.

Difference 5: Low Ash Production

When you burn pellets in the grill, you get ash as a byproduct.

It is usually a bit harder to manage and clean this ash especially if it produces in higher quantity.

Traeger pellets produce much less ash than most of the other brand pellets.

This also makes it easy for you to clean the ashes and properly maintain the fire pot.

So, by now you must have realized that the above 5 differences make Traeger wood pellets much superior than the other brand pellets.

Therefore, I highly recommend you to always prefer good quality Traeger wood pellets for your bbq grill.

Click Here to Get Different Flavored Traeger Wood Pellets for Your Grill.

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Can You Use Any Pellets in a Traeger Grill?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions among Traeger grill owners.

The truth is you can use all types of pellets from other brands too in your Traeger grill.

However, there are a few factors to consider before switching to the brand pellets.

The first thing you should know is that utilizing pellets from the other brands may void your Traeger grill’s warranty.

If you still have a warranty and need servicing, simply state that you’ve used different pellets and you’ll be ok.

When employing alternative pellets, you should also think about their form and size.

Nothing can stop you from smoking, if the pellet shapes are comparable to those of the Traeger pellets.

I have written an extensive guide about what types of pellets are best to use for your Traeger grill.

Click here to check out my guide and find the 3 best hardwood pellets for your grill.

Who Makes the Best Pellets for Pellet Grill?

There are so many different wood pellets available for the pellet grills in the market.

Therefore, choosing the appropriate one can be a bit daunting task.

As a result, I have compiled a list of the best pellets from all popular brands that you can use in your pellet grill.

1. CookinPellets 40PM Perfect Mix Pellets

CookinPellets 40PM Perfect Mix is a great brand to go with if you have a pellet grill at home.

It is one of the most popular and widely used grill pellets in the market.

They provide high-quality packaging with 3 hardwood flvors such as black cherry, apple mash and perfect mix.

These pellets are free from oil and filler wood.

As a result, CookinPellets 40PM Perfect Mix is always ready to deliver delicately flavored cuisine.

2. Camp Chef Smoker Grill Premium Hardwood Pellets

The primary feature that distinguishes these pellets is the smoky apple flavor they impart to the food when burned.

You might not love the cuisine if there was a mixture of distinct wood flavors.

Thanks to the use of only apple hardwood and no other woods, your meal will have a particular flavor.

Because it contains no additional flavors or oils, as well as no fillers, it maintains its quality.

This also makes these pellets a viable option for pellet grills.

3. Traeger Grills PEL319 Hickory Hardwood Pellets

When it comes to grilling, Traeger is a brand that most of the grill users are already familiar with.

Traeger, on the other hand, has created a hickory-flavored pellet to set itself apart in the grilling sector.

There are no additives or fillers in these pellets because they are composed entirely of natural hardwood.

When it comes to barbecuing, these pellets are really a healthy option for you.

These pellets produce good heat and clean burning to offer a pleasant grilling session, which adds to the benefits.

What are the Best Traeger Pellets to Use in a Traeger Grill?

Traeger barbecues are “ideal” in one sense.

Furthermore, when Traeger pellets are utilized in Traeger grills, they are designed to provide the greatest grilling experience possible.

There are a variety of Traeger pellets to choose from.

I am providing 3 of the best flavored Traeger wood pellets that you can use in your Traeger grill without any issues.

1. Traeger Signature Hardwood Pellets

Traeger’s trademark pellets are a blend of hardwoods that provide your food a wide range of tastes.

It has a maple, hickory, and cherry flavor that adds a unique flavor to your meat or other items.

They don’t contain any dangerous substances, so don’t be concerned.

As a result, they may be a better option for you.

If you’re looking for a pellet that will keep your Traeger grill at a consistent temperature, Traeger Signature Pellets are the way to go.

2. Traeger Apple Barbecue Pellets

Traeger Apple flavored Pellets are manufactured entirely of natural hardwood and are designed to provide the best apple flavor for your Traeger grill.

They don’t contain any artificial additives.

This is an advantage for you because it reduces the amount of ash produced and results in a cleaner burn.

These apple flavored hardwood pellets also assist your Traeger grill to provide the greatest apple smokey flavor to your meal while also benefiting the environment.

You can easily grill your food for up to 20 hours in your Traeger grill using a bag of Traeger Apple Barbecue Pellets.

Although you won’t be grilling for long, what we meant was that one bag is sufficient to allow you to grill for multiple sessions.

3. Traeger Mesquite Hardwood Pellets

If you want to give your meat a real Texas barbecue flavor, then use Traeger Mesquite Pellets with your Traeger grill.

When burned precisely in your machine, these pellets emit a bold mesquite flavor that doesn’t require you to douse your meal in mesquite-flavored barbecue sauce.

Overall, they have a powerful flavor that works well in a range of cuisines and may assist you in creating mouthwatering recipes.

These Traeger Mesquite Pellets are made in the United States and are environmentally sustainable, allowing your Traeger grilling machine to offer true Texas barbecue flavor.

Are Pit Boss Pallets Better than Traeger Pellets?

The answer to this question is it depends on your own taste and preference.

Before I proceed to the conclusion, you should be aware that their architectures are fairly similar.

As a result, it may be difficult to distinguish between Traeger pellets and Pit Boos pellets.

The primary difference between them is the manufacturing methods employed by both the brands.

The fact that one uses a different methodology does not imply that one has a superior taste to the other.

Your decision to decide the best among the two is entirely your own choice.

Each person’s taste buds are unique.

As a result, the one whose smokey flavor complements your taste is simply superior to the other.

Can I Use Weber Pellets in a Traeger Grill?

To put it simply; Yes, you can.

Weber pellets will work fine on your Traeger barbecue grill.

However, the Traeger grill warranty specifies that it provides excellent service when only Traeger pellets are used.

Inspite of that, using the other brand pellets such as Weber wood pellets will not affect the grill in any way.

If your grill does have a problem, which is very uncommon, then you can consult with a grill expert and ask for his/her advice before you use other brand pellets in your grill.


Different hardwood pellets are designed to give your grilling food the distinct flavors.  

However, if they contain dangerous additives or other undesired elements, not only will they badly affect your grilling experience, but they will also harm your health.

When compared to the other brand pellets, Traeger wood pellets are certainly much superior in several areas.

These pellets offer you much better results with better cost efficiency too.

As a result, I also highly recommend to use only Traeger wood pellets for your BBQ grill even if you have non-Traeger grill at home.


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